Priority is given to emergency and commercial vessels.  

Passage is free to all vessels.  Both large and small locks are open 24/7 daily, except during annual maintenance or repairs.

On a busy summer weekend, both locks are jammed full of vessels of all sizes including kayaks and large ocean tugs....quite the scene.   The difference in water levels at low tide can be around 3 stories, which can be intimidating

The Small Lock Chamber handles boats under 100 ft long.

The Small Lock Chamber is the easier to navigate as you just tie up to the side walls that float up or down.

Note:  If  you and another boater are involved in an incident, please exchange insurance information and work it out with each other.  As a federal agency we do not get involved.

The Large Lock Chamber can handle vessels up to 760 long x 80 ft. wide 

Webcams located upstream of the Locks can be used to help gauge boat traffic in the Canal

You can also contact the Lockmaster if you need further information....see contact page

Both the large and small locks undergo maintenance during the year and may be closed. Click on image to get informatin on closures