fish ladder annual maintenance schedule
Peak viewing times are listed below. Even during peak times, you may not actually see Salmon in the Fish Ladder or Viewing Windows for a variety of reasons, such as low tides, hot weather, etc.
Fish Ladder Viewing Room
Salmon Education Center
Salmon Education Center
Coho - Average around 25,000 per year, peak viewing in September.
Three species of Pacific Salmon pass through the Locks during the summer months and travel 40-50 miles upriver to spawn:
Chinook - Average around 15,000 per year, peak viewing in August.
(See daily and annual salmon counts)
The fish ladder system closes in mid-May for around 2 weeks for maintenance, check News for updates
Visit our modern innovative Salmon Education Center, renovated with public donations.
See and learn about the Pacific Northwest Salmon species that migrate through the Locks each year
Thanks to many generous donors (over $250,000 raised), we have added educational exhibits to the viewing room. There are still a few fish available to include your name on the Legacy Donor Wall, click on the Donate buttom to learn more.
Sockeye - Runs have been declining over the years and numbers vary widely. (recent average around 25,000 per year), peak viewing mid-June to mid-July.